
3 unusual facts about Tufted Duck


The lake is listed as a site of international importance for the Shoveler and a site of national importance for the Coot and Tufted Duck.

Peschiera del Garda

In winter, the nearby Laghetto del Frassino is the most important habitat for Tufted Ducks in Italy (Morbioli & Sighele 2006).

Tufted Duck

The only duck which is at all similar is the drake Greater Scaup which however has no tuft and a different call.

High Rid Reservoir

During the winter may different bird species, including the Little Grebe, the Tufted Duck and the Goldeneye Duck can be found.

Staines Moor

The reservoir carries nationally important wintering populations of tufted ducks, pochard, goosander and common goldeneye.

see also