Both classes, being an anti-ship asset, are armed with additional two Hsiung Feng I anti-ship missiles and have been in ROCN service for over 20 years.
U-boat | Show Boat | flying boat | The Love Boat | Civil Air Patrol | Snow Patrol | Gym Class Heroes | class action | TV Patrol | class | California Highway Patrol | Fast Times at Ridgemont High | United States Border Patrol | The Fast and the Furious (2001 film) | The Fast and the Furious | Highway Patrol | fast food | Class A | working class | The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift | Special Boat Service | Three Men in a Boat | The Fast Show | PT boat | Nissan Patrol | Fast Fourier transform | DB Class 218 | Class War | British Rail Class 37 | Social class |
She has illustrated numerous children's books and won the Levstik Award twice, in 1957 for her illsutrations for Zgode in nezgode kraljevskega dvora (Tales and Mishaps of the Royal Court) by Milan Šega and in 1965 for her illustrations for three books, Basni (Fables) by Ivan Krylov, Puhek v Benetkah (Puhek in Venice) by Mira Mihelič and Pustov god (Pust's Birthday) by Vera Albreht.