The research takes place within the framework of three research programmes: European Affairs (dealing with European integration), Europe in the world (dealing with Europe’s role in international relations) and Africa (focusing mostly on Sub-Saharan and Central Africa).
Royal Navy | Royal Air Force | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ATP International Series | International Monetary Fund | Royal Dutch Shell | Royal Society | Royal Albert Hall | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | ATP International Series Gold | International Space Station | Royal Shakespeare Company | Royal Opera House | Amnesty International | Royal Victorian Order | California Institute of Technology | Royal Engineers | Royal Australian Navy | International Olympic Committee | Art Institute of Chicago | BirdLife International | Royal National Theatre | Royal Canadian Navy | Royal Canadian Air Force | International Finance Corporation | Institute for Advanced Study | Royal Court Theatre | International Organization for Standardization | Royal Marines | American Institute of Architects |
She gained recognition for playing Gretchen in Goethe's Faust, Klärchen in Egmont and Marie Beaumarchais in Clavigo, as well as for her performance as Lessing's Emilia Galotti.