Several Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems embed MEDCIN, which allows them to produce structured and numerically codified patient charts.
The prospective version of the RetroGuide system has been developed (called FlowGuide) and the overal system which is using a workflow engine within an EHR system is called HealthFlow.
Working with the research community to ensure that EMR/EHR implementation that also supports meaningful clinical research.
On the side of the building facing the Elbe, the names of Pheidias, Iktinos, Praxiteles, Polykleitos, Lysippos, Erwin von Steinbach, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Dürer are inscribed on the wall and on the other side the motto "DEM VATERLAND ZU ZIER UND EHR" - "For the Honour and Adornment of the Fatherland" - is inscribed.
EnableDoc chose to use this approach for their EHR and PMS system.
Fontographer, developed by von Ehr for the Mac and released in January 1986 —before Adobe Illustrator— was the first commercially available Bézier curve editing software for a personal computer.
Von Ehr is the former chief executive of Zyvex corporation, the world first molecular nanotechnology company, which he founded in 1997, and which later split into four branches (Zyvex Technologies, Zyvex Instruments (acquired by DCG Systems, Inc.), Zyvex Labs, and Zyvex Asia), and current CEO of Zyvex Labs and chairman of Zyvex Technologies.
Von Ehr founded Altsys Corporation in Dec 1984, and was President, Chairman, and CEO.
The popHealth open source software is currently being designed and developed by the MITRE Corporation, using components of the MITRE free open source Laika EHR testing framework.
- Medical and healthcare : EMR (Electronic Medical Record), EHR (Electronic Health Record)