The Director of BIOS is Martin White Professor of Sociology at LSE, Professor Nikolas Rose, who has been recently awarded an ESRC Professorial Research Fellowship for a three year project entitled 'Brain, Self and Society in the 21st Century'.
He has a sustained track record of conducting sole and collaborative research projects for the EU, AHRC, ESRC, Nuffield, Home Office, Law Society and many others.
Other partners were Design Flanders, The Design Centre of the Czech Republic, Design Centre Rhone-Alps, Experimental Centre for Furniture and Furnishing (Italy), Danish Design Centre, and the University of Manchester (ESRC Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition - CRIC).
She has served as chair of the Board on Testing and Assessment (BOTA) of the National Research Council, a recipient of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Visiting Fellowship.
At Cardiff, he was a Member of the Computer Board for British Universities and Research Councils, now JISC (1988–1990), a Member of the SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) Transport Committee (1982–1985), Chair (1980–1982), then Vice-Chair (1982–1984) of the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Environment and Planning Committee, and Chair of the Conference of Heads Of Planning Schools (CHOPS) 1986-1980.
SPSG was set up by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), with the initial support of the other Research Councils, to organise programmes of research and information on issues of science and technology policy identified as of strategic importance.
His research has been funded by bodies including the ESRC, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Brookings Institute, HEFCE, QCA, Welsh Assembly, and the Education Endowment Foundation