
2 unusual facts about Earth in the Balance

Earth in the Balance

In the Futurama episode "Crimes of the Hot," Al Gore himself references the book and its "far more popular" fictional future sequel, Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth.

Roger Revelle

When Gore was running for the vice-presidential nomination in 1992, The New Republic picked up on the contrast between the references to Revelle in Gore's book, Earth in the Balance, and the views in the Cosmos article that could now be attributed to Revelle.

The Limits to Growth

Some of the notable books published after 1972 include the State of the World reports issued by the Worldwatch Institute (produced annually since 1984); the influential Our Common Future, published by the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development (1987); Earth in the Balance, written by then-US senator Al Gore (1992); and Earth Odyssey (ISBN 978-0767900591) by journalist Mark Hertsgaard (1999).

see also