
3 unusual facts about East Frisian peninsula

East Frisian peninsula

By contrast, Ost-Friesland includes, as a rule, the other traditionally Frisian parts of the peninsula: the town of Wilhelmshaven and the Oldenburg district of Friesland (Jeverland and Friesische Wehde).

In its broadest definition Ost-Friesland can be used to embrace all the Frisian parts of the German state of Lower Saxony, i.e. those areas which represent the "East Section" of the Inter-Frisian Council (which include the former RĂ¼stringen (Butjadingen etc.), Land Wursten and sometimes other areas).

Rather more rarely the term Ost-Friesland also includes the Saterland, home of the Saterland Frisians.

see also