The ecoregion is rich in wildlife with many endemic species of birds, and some mammals, while endemic amphibians include five species of reed frogs (Hyperolius), two species of forest treefrogs (Leptopelis), five tree toads (Nectophrynoides), four species of Microhylidae, and five Caeciliidae.
Joan of Arc | Eastern Europe | Eastern Orthodox Church | Great Eastern Railway | Eastern Bloc | Eastern Front (World War II) | London and North Eastern Railway | Eastern Michigan University | Eastern Rumelia | Eastern Front | Eastern Time Zone | Eastern Region | Eastern Air Lines | Eastern Washington | United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas | Eastern League | Eastern Hockey League | Eastern Ghats | United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Galicia (Eastern Europe) | Arc de Triomphe | Eastern Province | Eastern Catholic Churches | United States District Court for the Eastern District of Illinois | L'Arc-en-Ciel | Eastern Washington University | Eastern United States | Eastern Townships | Eastern Shore | Eastern Illinois University |