Tenants at DDC’s New Cumberland base include all branches of the Armed Forces.
Until September 1997, two regional offices - Defense Distribution Region East in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, and Defense Distribution Region West in Stockton, California, managed a vast network of distribution depots within their respective geographic boundaries.
World Trade Center | center | Eastern Europe | Kennedy Space Center | Eastern Orthodox Church | Walker Art Center | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Marshall Space Flight Center | Rockefeller Center | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Goddard Space Flight Center | Great Eastern Railway | Eastern Bloc | Eastern Front (World War II) | London and North Eastern Railway | Georgia World Congress Center | Eastern Michigan University | Staples Center | Eastern Rumelia | Eastern Front | Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts | Eastern Time Zone | Tanglewood Music Center | National Center for Biotechnology Information | Eastern Region | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | Eastern Air Lines | Linux distribution | Center for Constitutional Rights | Georgetown University Law Center |