
unusual facts about Eastern Seaboard

Mister Bones

A former low-level supervillain, he reformed and joined the Infinity Inc. team, then later the (fictional) Department of Extranormal Operations (a government agency which regulates superhero activity) as a bureaucrat, eventually rising to the rank of Regional Director for the Eastern Seaboard.

Songwriters on Parade

Between 1931 and 1940 (at least) various line-ups of popular songwriters would form a sensational act, performing their hits across the eastern seaboard on the Loew's and Keith Circuits.

The Amtrak Wars

According to their legends, the Iron Masters fled the destruction of their homeland of Nippon in vast floating cities that drifted into Antarctic waters and then up into the Atlantic, eventually landing on the Eastern Seaboard of the former United States.

Western Theater of the American Civil War

It excluded operations against the Gulf Coast and the Eastern Seaboard, but as the war progressed and William Tecumseh Sherman's Union armies moved southeast from Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1864 and 1865, the definition of the theater expanded to encompass their operations in Georgia and the Carolinas.

see also

Avro Canada C102 Jetliner

The aircraft was considered suitable for busy routes along the US eastern seaboard and garnered intense interest, notably from Howard Hughes who even offered to start production under license.

Cinder Road

The band toured up and down the eastern seaboard from Canada to Key West and oversea trips to Southeast Asia playing shows for the Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE) network in Japan, Korea, Guam, as well as other remote areas such as Greenland and the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Eugénie Olson

Raised in Verona, New Jersey, Eugénie has lived in several locations on the Eastern Seaboard including Princeton, Philadelphia and Boston.


Santa Eulària des Riu, the Catalan name of a coastal town on the south eastern seaboard of the Spanish island of Eivissa.

Fitz Henry Lane

Lane's career would ultimately find him painting harbor and ship portraits, along with the occasional purely pastoral scene, up and down the eastern seaboard of the United States, from as far north as the Penobscot Bay/Mount Desert Island region of Maine, to as far south as San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Jean Gottmann

His multicultural perspective allowed him to get a grant from Paul Mellon to produce the first regional study of Virginia (1953–55) and financial support from The Century Foundation to study the megalopolis of the North-Eastern seaboard of the United States, which soon became a paradigm in urban geography and planning to define polinuclear global city-regions.

Morgan Clark

Sheridan and his forces, however, were able to destroy the defense platforms before they fired; Sheridan was prepared to ram the final platform (targeting North America's eastern seaboard) with his badly damaged ship, but the EAS Apollo (previously fighting against Sheridan) appeared, then destroyed the platform and save Sheridan's life ("Endgame").

Prionium serratum

This species has a disjunct distribution along the southern and south-eastern seaboard from the Western Cape to KwaZulu-Natal on sandstone substrates, growing in dense mats in marshy areas, and in and along streams and rivers.

Short-finned eel

In Australia, they are restricted to the area on the seaward side of the Great Dividing Range, from about Mount Gambier in the south-eastern corner of South Australia, through Victoria, Tasmania, the Bass Strait islands and up the eastern seaboard to the Richmond River in northern New South Wales.

Sidney Clare

In the early 1940s Clare and several of his fellow hitmakers formed a sensational review called Songwriters on Parade, performing all across the Eastern seaboard on the Loew's and Keith circuits.

Strategic Army Corps

Alerted for movement on 10 October, although scattered at different training sites along the Eastern Seaboard, the Regiment arrived at its new duty stations of Baumholder and Kaiserslautern exactly thirty days later.

Vincent Rose

In the late 1930s and early 1940s Rose and several of his fellow hitmakers formed a sensational review called Songwriters on Parade, performing all across the eastern seaboard on the Loew's and Keith circuits.

Wildomar, California

Rails and spikes were brought from Antwerp, Belgium and locomotives came from the Eastern Seaboard.

Winslow Lewis

In 1815 Lewis won another contract with Samuel H. Smith, Commissioner of Revenue, which gave him a monopoly over the provision of winter pressed Spermaceti oil for lighthouses throughout the eastern seaboard.