Adults have been recorded feeding on flower nectar of various plants, including Vicia cracca, Salvia pratensis, Echium, Onobrychis and Thymus.
During the walk the villages of Jardim do Mar and Paul do Mar are visible, waterfalls can be seen and flora such as Pride of Madeira (Echium nervosum) and Madeira mountain stock (Euphorbia piscatoria) can be viewed.
Echium species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora onosmella and Orange Swift.
The caterpillar feeds on borage Borago officinalis (known as Fidloqqom in Maltese), and on bugloss (plants from the genus Echium e.g. Pale Bugloss Echium italicum which is known as Lsien il-Fart Abjad in Maltese).
Echium | ''Echium plantagineum'' flowers in spring growing adjacent to the freeway at Crafers, South Australia | Echium plantagineum | A field of ''Echium plantagineum'' near Shepparton |
Echium wildpretii trichosiphon is an Echium that is found high up in the area of La caldera de taburiente on the Canary Island of La Palma.
Echium webbii, a variety of Echium virescens (Tower of jewels) is endemic to La Palma, as are Ceropegia fusca and Ceropegia dichotoma; varieties of Cardoncillo.