In the latter case, ecological modernization shares with Ulrich Beck (1999, 37-40) and others notions of the necessity of emergence of new forms of environmental governance, sometimes referred to as subpolitics or political modernization, where the environmental movement, community groups, businesses, and other stakeholders increasingly take on direct and leadership roles in stimulating environmental transformation.
Various authors pursued similar ideas at the time, e.g. Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Amory Lovins, Donald Huisingh, René Kemp, or Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker.
Ecological Society of America | Ecological succession | Russian Ecological Party "The Greens" | Ecological niche | ecological genetics | Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 | Thomas-Sterry-Hunt International Ecological Reserve | National Ecological Observatory Network | National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis | Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve | Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization | ecological niche | Ecological Economics | Ecological economics | Ecological Democratic Party | Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration | Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve | Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia |