Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names | Second Vatican Council | World Boxing Council | United States National Research Council | National Research Council | Privy Council of the United Kingdom | British Council | World Economic Forum | Council of Trent | Council of Europe | National Security Council | Legislative Council | Privy Council of England | Greater London Council | Council on Foreign Relations | European Economic Community | Lord President of the Council | United States National Security Council | Legislative Council of Hong Kong | City Council | World Council of Churches | Council of Constance | United Nations Security Council | New York City Council | London County Council | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | Economic Community of West African States | Auckland Council | Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council |
In 2011, given the process of ongoing recovery, Economic Advisory Council publicly advised the Government of India to reconsider reinstating the provisions of the FRBMA.
In 2007, Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell named Dr. Deak to the Governor's Economic Advisory Council, an eight-member panel of leading economists from throughout the state to advise her on key issues affecting the Connecticut economy.