Ben Bernanke warned of the risks of such imbalances in 2005, arguing that a "savings glut" in one country with a trade surplus can drive capital into other countries with trade deficits, artificially lowering interest rates and creating asset bubbles.
In April, 2012, Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs in Brussels, "enthusiastically announced to EU parliamentarians in mid-April that 'there was a breakthrough before Easter'. He said the European heads of state had given the green light to pilot projects worth billions, such as building highways in Greece."
World Economic Forum | Suez Crisis | European Economic Community | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | Economic Community of West African States | Cuban Missile Crisis | 1973 oil crisis | Cuban missile crisis | Iran hostage crisis | European Economic Area | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences | Final Crisis | Crisis on Infinite Earths | 1975 Australian constitutional crisis | National Economic Council | Economic and Social Research Council | Economic Development Board | Council of Economic Advisers | United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean | The Economic Times | Office of Economic Opportunity | Men's Recovery Project | International Crisis Group | 1997 Asian financial crisis | financial crisis | Economic Cooperation Organization | Earth Crisis |