In 2001, Eddie Marlin took part in the “Clash of the Legends ” in Memphis that also had Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, Sputnik Monroe, Tracy Smothers, Tommy Rogers, Lord Humongous ( Emory Hale ), Jimmy Hart, The Moondogs, The Bushwhackers, and referee Jerry Calhoun.
It began when Gilbert's son, Doug, interrupted Marlin who was being interviewed by Lance Russell, and accused Marlin of showing favoritism towards Jerry Lawler.
Eddie Murphy | Eddie Cantor | Eddie Van Halen | Eddie Izzard | Eddie Rickenbacker | Eddie Money | Eddie | Eddie Gomez | Eddie Albert | Eddie Cochran | Eddie Rabbitt | Eddie Henderson | Eddie Garcia | Eddie Harris | Eddie Campbell | Eddie Bauer | The Courtship of Eddie's Father | Eddie Rambeau | Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis | Eddie Kendricks | Marlin | Eddie the Head | Eddie's Attic | Eddie Murray | Eddie Levert | Eddie Floyd | Eddie Condon | Malcolm & Eddie | Eddie Palmieri | Eddie Holland |