
unusual facts about Edgar H. Schein

Albrecht Goetze

It was through the initiative of Edgar H. Sturtevant that Goetze was invited to Yale University in 1934, a move that was to prove momentous for the advancement of Assyrology and Hittology at Yale.

Boris M. Schein

In 2011, Schein was named a distinguished reviewer of Zentralblatt MATH by the European Mathematical Society.

Edgar H. Lloyd

On that day, near Pompey, France, he single-handedly destroyed five enemy machine gun positions.

Edgar H. Sturtevant

Besides research on Native American languages and field work on the Modern American English dialects, he is the father of the Indo-Hittite hypothesis, first formulated in 1926, based on his seminal work establishing the Indo-European character of Hittite (and the related Anatolian languages), with Hittite exhibiting more archaic traits than the normally reconstructed forms for Proto-Indo-European.

Fons Trompenaars

Cross-cultural management textbook: Lessons from the world leading experts, Introduction by Edgar H. Schein with Charles Hampden-Turner, Meredith Belbin et al.

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations

Advisory Council members have included Dr. Edgar H. Schein, a retired MIT professor who is widely credited with inventing the term "corporate culture;" and Dr. Rodger Dean Duncan, a thought leader in organizational development and human performance.


Some scholars, including Jerald T. Milanich and Edgar H. Sturtevant, consider the dialect known as Agua Salada, spoken in an unspecified stretch of the Florida coast south of the Mocama Province, to be identical.

Subir Chowdhury

Among the contributors listed are Richard E. Boyatzis, James A. Champy, Allan R. Cohen, Jay A. Conger, Samuel A. Culbert, Christopher DeRose, Dexter Dunphy, David Finegold, Elizabeth Florent-Treacy, Rob Goffee, Robert L. Heneman, Harvey A. Hornstein, Andrew, Kakabadse, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Edgar H. Schein, and Noel M. Tichy.

see also