
unusual facts about Edible-nest Swiftlet


The Chalis Ek Caves (about 20 km due douth of Diglipur, near the village of Pathi Level) and the Alfred Caves are a major nesting ground for the Edible-nest Swiftlet, whose nests are exported to China for bird's nest soup.


7-Phloroeckol is a phlorotannin found in the edible brown algae arame (Ecklonia bicyclis) and turuarame (Ecklonia stolonifera).

A. giganteum

Allium giganteum, the giant onion, a perennial edible medicinal plant species

Aponogeton distachyos

It is widely cultivated in South Africa for its edible buds and flowers, used in the recipe Waterblommetjiebredie.

Behavioral addiction

The term "soft addiction" was coined by Judith Sewell Wright to describe activities, moods or ways of being, avoidances, and things - edible and consumable but which do not pose a grave health disease risk - rather, they have the most effect on personal time and productivity.


Available or popular sports in or around Beiuş are: fresh water fishing (trout, catfish, carp, barbel chub dace and at least a dozen other edible species), speleology (spelunking), soccer (Sunday soccer is a local ritual for all ages), skiing, snowboarding, sledding, tennis, hiking, camping, backpacking and rock climbing.

C. sativa

Castanea sativa, the sweet chestnut, a tree species known for its edible seeds originally native to southeastern Europe and Asia Minor


Canola, the edible cooking oil from rapeseed (Brassica campestris)


Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), an edible marine fish in the Labridae family, found in the western Atlantic

Cedar Bayou, Texas

Cedar Bayou is listed as being impaired for certain water quality issues, including bacteria, impaired macrobenthic communities, and PCBs and Dioxins in edible fish tissue.


Since 1996, Cermex has been the overwrapping and palletizing division of the Sidel Group, part of the Swedish holding Tetra Laval, a global company that provides packaging for food and beverage products including water, soft drinks, milk, juice, sauces, edible oils, beer and alcoholic beverages.

Cuisine of Niue

Fish is consumed in various ways—roasted, grilled, raw and in soups or stews—and there is a wide spectrum of edible and enjoyable fish species: Tuna (ahi), dolphin (mahi mahi), Parrot fish (pakati), Barracuda (ono), coconut crabs and Crayfish.

Dagny Tande Lid

She is also represented in several of the popular papers and books by Danish-Canadian botanist Erling Porsild, including Edible plants of the Arctic (1953), Illustrated Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (1957), and Rocky Mountain wild flowers (1974).


The name alludes to the great similarity of appearance between these toxic plants, which were formerly classified together in the genus Zigadenus, and the edible camases (Camassia), with which they also often share habitat.

Delyan, Sofia Province

During favorable seasons, one can find there edible mushrooms, like saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus) and sticky bun (Suillus luteus).

Diana Kennedy

Illustrated talks on the edible plants of México to the Society for Economic Botany, and the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden.

Edible bird's nest

The most heavily harvested nests are from the Edible-nest Swiftlet or White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and the Black-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus maximus).

Fallopia convolvulus

The seeds are edible, and were used in the past as a food crop, with remains found in Bronze Age middens.


Examples include fruit and vegetables that are smaller or larger than sizes required by supermarkets, edible offal, and a species of Dover sole with all the qualities of sole but small size.


The selection offered includes an unusually large variety of eggplants, peppers, squashes, edible vines and leafy vegetables.

Gefilte fish

The U.S. Patent #3,108,882 "Method for Preparing an Edible Fish Product" for this jelly, which allowed mass-market distribution of gefilte fish, was granted on October 29, 1963 to Monroe Nash.

Giovanni Antonio Scopoli

Amanita caesarea — the edible and highly prized Caesar's mushroom


European nettle tree, (Celtis australis), a deciduous tree with edible dark purple, sweet berry-like fruit.

Iva annua

As the author Jared Diamond notes, the edible parts contain 32 percent protein and 45 percent oil.

Knight Fall

House finds hemlock (a poisonous plant that resembles the common edible wild carrot) and confirms that the apprentice sold it to King Miles.

Laportea aestuans

aestuans is a food plant for an edible snail, Archachatina ventricosa, native to parts of coastal West Africa.

London Underground anagram map

Bank was anagrammatized into 'nabk', the edible berry of the Ziziphus lotus tree.

Lunar calendar

An example of this is the lunar calendar of the Banks Islands, which includes three months in which the edible palolo worm mass on the beaches.


Xanthosoma, also known as Malanga, a tropical and sub-tropical edible or ornamental plant


More than 27 species in the genus bear edible, fleshy fruits, especially the Common Mango (M. indica).

Moringa drouhardii

Neither the seeds (rich in edible oil and floculating proteins) nor the leaves (that can be eaten as green vegetables) are traditionally used in the Atsimo-Andrefana Region (southwestern Madagascar) despite their significant benefits.

Musa acuminata

It is the progenitor of modern edible bananas, along with Musa balbisiana.

Neufchâtel cheese

It looks similar to Camembert, with a dry, white, edible rind, but the taste is saltier and sharper.

Oidium mangiferae

There are many species of mango, but the only one raised for commercial fruit production is Mangifera indica, as the fruit it bears is the most appealing and edible.

Ould Lammas Fair

These include livestock and traditional foods such as Yellowman, a local variant of honeycomb and 'dulse', a type of edible seaweed.


Furthermore, it is also found in the edible (and sought after) Blusher (Amanita rubescens).


In the BBC series "Wild Food", Gordon Hillman related an incident where he was accidentally given a sample of Psathyrella instead of edible mushrooms.


The term "RuBisCO" was coined humorously in 1979, by David Eisenberg at a seminar honouring the retirement of the early, prominent RuBisCO researcher, Sam Wildman, and also alluded to the snack food trade name "Nabisco" in reference to Wildman's attempts to create edible tobacco leaves.


Richard Mabey, "Food for Free - A guide to the edible wild plants of Britain".


Scorzonera hispanica, a plant with lanceolate leaves cultivated for its dark-skinned edible root

Serendipity 3

It is made with 5 scoops of the Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream, Madagascar vanilla covered in 23K edible gold leaf, drizzled with the world's most expensive chocolate, Amedei Porcelana, and covered with chunks of Chuao chocolate, which is from cocoa beans harvested by the Caribbean Sea on Venezuela's coast.

Shepherdia canadensis

Unrelated plants in the genus Sapindus produce highly toxic saponins and share the common name soapberry with the edible Canada Buffaloberry.

The Talking Farm

In 2008, the Edible Acre Pilot Project was initiated at Evanston Township High School and became fully operational in 2010, providing locally grown produce to be sold at mini-markets around the city.


Paphies subtriangulata is a species of edible bivalve clam known as tuatua in the Māori language, a member of the family Mesodesmatidae and endemic to New Zealand.

Urban agriculture

Some of the Incredible Edible Todmorden plots have been permission plots while others have been examples of guerilla gardening.


The United States Department of Homeland Security is sponsoring development of an inflatable plug made of Vectran to prevent flooding in the New York City Subway and other transportation tunnels, as it is strong but relatively inexpensive, and not edible for rats.

Wild turnip

Psoralea esculenta, native to prairies of central North America, with an edible tuber

William Randolph

Tuckahoe was the Native American name for an edible water plant.

see also