
5 unusual facts about Edward Johnston


Edward Johnston - craftsman, who is regarded as the father of modern calligraphy

Ealing Broadway station

District Line platforms 8 and 9 are partially covered by a short canopy, and retain a number of examples of early solid-disc Underground signs, used before Edward Johnston designed the familiar roundel in 1919.

Edward Johnston

Johnston also devised the simply crafted round calligraphic handwriting style, written with a broad pen, known today as the foundational hand (what Johnston originally called a slanted pen hand, which was developed from Roman and half-uncial forms).

After studying published copies of manuscripts by architect William Harrison Cowlishaw, and a handbook by Edward F. Strange, he was introduced to Cowlishaw in 1898 and then to William Lethaby, principal of the Central School of Arts and Crafts.

Sheila Waters

There she developed her calligraphic skills under the tutelage of Dorothy Mahoney (assistant to the great pioneer of calligraphy, Edward Johnston).

Western Australian state election, 1914

The fragility of the Labor Party's majority was demonstrated when, a year later, Labor member Joseph Gardiner's seat was declared vacant on account of his non-attendance and a Liberal was elected in his stead, and Labor became a minority government when on 18 December 1915, Edward Johnston resigned from the Labor Party and became an independent.

see also

St. Michael of Scarborough

Michael of Scarborough was a ship of the Atlantic that was set to transport Scottish prisoners to the Thames, so that they could be transported by Ralph Williamson to Plantations of America and was mastered in 1678 by Edward Johnston.