Many of Georgia's black players said that they would not go to Shreveport if Duke was elected, but he was defeated by Edwin Edwards.
The project required approval of the state gambling board and resulted in a highly publicized bribery scandal that ended with the conviction of former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards on 17 counts, including racketeering, extortion, mail fraud, and wire fraud.
Muransky testified under a grant of immunity as a government witness in the March 2000 trial of Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards, mainly about what DeBartolo had confided to Muransky.
Polls leading up to the election suggested that, had the runoff been Edwin Edwards v Buddy Roemer, Roemer would have won.
The Scholars' College was established in 1987 by the Louisiana Board of Regents and then-governor Edwin Edwards as the state's only officially-designated honors college for the State of Louisiana.
SOUL's effectiveness in rallying the support of African American voters for candidates like Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu made him a powerful figure in New Orleans and Louisiana politics.
John Edwards | Edwards Air Force Base | Edwin Lutyens | Edwin Booth | Carl Edwards | Blake Edwards | Edwin M. Stanton | Edwin Starr | Edwin of Northumbria | Edwin Hubble | Edwin Franko Goldman | Duncan Edwards | Bernard Edwards | Alistair Edwards | Kathleen Edwards | John Edwin Sandys | W. Edwards Deming | Robert Edwards | Paul Edwards | Owen Dudley Edwards | Jack Edwards | Edwin Edwards | Edwin Bidwell Wilson | Edwin A. McAlpin | Edwards, California | David Eugene Edwards | Barnaby Edwards | Anthony Edwards | The Mystery of Edwin Drood | Teddy Edwards |
In 1975, Mills ran again for statewide office when Louisiana Secretary of State Wade O. Martin, Jr., stepped down to run unsuccessfully for governor against Edwin Edwards and State Senator Robert G. Jones of Lake Charles, son of former Governor Sam Houston Jones.