It is also present in speciated but undescribed forms in several east coast systems in northern New South Wales due to natural river capture events.
eel | Wedge-tailed Eagle | White-tailed Eagle | Red-tailed Hawk | catfish | Red-tailed Tropicbird | Short-tailed Shearwater | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Long-tailed Widowbird | Catfish | Jim "Catfish" Hunter | Green-tailed Bristlebill | Fork-tailed Swift | Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo | White-tailed deer | Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon | Mexican free-tailed bat | Long-tailed Finch | Eel | Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek | White-tailed Kite | white-tailed deer | Swallow-tailed Kite | Stump-tailed Macaque | Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly | red-tailed hawk | Pig-tailed Macaque | Long-tailed Tit | Long-tailed Cinclodes | Catfish: The TV Show |
The river is populated with rainbow trout, sea trout, eel, pike and roach and although you can walk along both banks, the right hand side is more picturesque.
Turbatrix aceti, the vinegar eel or vinegar nematode, a free-living nematode species that feeds on the mother of vinegar
Anarchias allardicei, a.k.a. Allardice's moray, a Pacific moray eel species
In northeast Indiana, near the Allen – Whitley County line, along the Eel River, A brass and stone marker placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1930, reads: "In memory of Col. Augustin de La Balme and his soldiers who were killed in battle with the Miami Indians under Little Turtle at this place, November 5, 1780."
The Long-toothed false moray (Boehlkenchelys longidentata) is an eel of the family Chlopsidae which inhabits tropical reefs around the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, Ambon Island in Indonesia and Fiji and Palau in the Pacific Ocean.
Brown trout Salmo trutta fario and Eel Anguilla anguilla are known to occur in Nanny's Water.
The people in this region relied predominantly on hunting aurochs, red deer, roe deer and boar, and fishing for roach, eels and pike.
This species can be distinguished from other Clarias catfishes, apart from the recently discovered Clarias batu and Clarias nigricans, by the greatly elongated body which gives it a remarkably eel-like appearance.
The eel-like catfish of this region were long assumed to belong to the widespread species Clarias nieuhofii but examination of 6 specimens purchased from a fish market in Samarinda in 1999 and preserved specimens from the same location revealed consistent and distinctive differences indicating a separate species.
In July, 2013 an experienced diver was attacked by a conger eel in Killary Harbour, Ireland, at a depth of 25 meters.
Cressie is a mysterious, eel-like creature which is reputed to lurk in the depths of Crescent Lake in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
In 1969, the Eel Pie Island Hotel was occupied by a small group of local anarchists including illustrator Clifford Harper.
Researchers at Yale University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology argue artificial cells could be built that not only replicate the electrical behavior of electric eel cells, but also improve on them.
Woodman was exposed to the symbolic work of Max Klinger whilst studying in Rome from 1977 to 1978 and his influence can clearly be seen in many photographic series’, such as Eel Series, Roma (1977–78) and Angel Series, Roma (1977).
Over the subsequent fifteen years, about 1000 cases were reported in people, birds and cats, usually in the summer and fall, and a link was made with the consumption of fish (burbot, eel and pike).
Heteroconger cobra, sometimes known as the cobra garden eel, is a species of garden eel of the family Congridae, found in the western Central Pacific from Honiara, the Solomon Islands to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
The plant in Kolomna built: the first Russian three-axle locomotive T-Series (1870), who became the first engine s and the plant itself, the world's first ship with a diesel engine plant - lift "the Kolomna Diesel" (1907) and the first production Soviet locomotive Leopard moray eel
The Leopard moray eel is widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific oceans from Réunion to the Hawaiian, Line and Society Islands, north to southern Japan, southern Korea, and south to New Caledonia.
Eel (Anguilla anguilla), four species of Mugilidae (Liza saliens, Liza aurata, Liza ramada and Mugil cephalus), two species of Sparidae (Sparus aurata and Diplodus annularis) and one species of Mullidae (Mullus barbatus) represent more than 92% of the total annual landings.
The name means "Mixed Lizard", and was chosen because it appears to have been a transitional form between the eel-shaped Ichthyosaurs such as Cymbospondylus and the later dolphin-shaped ichthyosaurs, such as Ichthyosaurus.
During a jubilee many species of crab and shrimp, as well as flounder, eels, and other demersal fish will leave deeper waters and swarm—in large numbers and very high density—in a specific, shallower coastal area of the bay.
Fishing can be very good here as this stretch contains trout, roach, dace, eels, pike, salmon (mid autumn-mid-spring and this goes for sea trout), chub, barbel and some grayling have been caught.
Among the other fish species of Numedalslågen are trout, eel, and pike.
Odontamblyopus roseus, an eel goby species found in muddy-bottomed coastal waters along the west coast of India
Polypterus senegalus, the gray bichir, Senegal bichir, Cuvier's bichir or dinosaur eel, a freshwater ray-finned fish species
Paracalliope acts as an intermediate host for the nematode Hedruris spinigera, which can thus reach their primary host, the eel.
His wife, Shelby Shackleford (1899 Halifax, Virginia – 1987), whom he married in 1926, was an accomplished artist and illustrated Electric Eel Calling, a book on electric eels.
Artists: Frosted Glass (SPb), Xe-None (Siberia), Cattle Extermination (SPb), Devilish Distance (death metal, Samara), Moray Eel (Moscow), Perimeter (SPb), Stardown (SPb), Vergeltung (Moscow), Master (Moscow), O.X. (Pushkin), Dismember (Sweden), Fall of the Leave (Finland), Grave (Sweden), Trol Gnet Ell (SPb), Swallow the Sun (Finland) .
Sinobdella sinensis, a spiny eel species found in China and Vietnam
Currently, it is a popular angling site thanks to a considerable population of fresh water fish such as carps, eels, perchs and roach fish.
The steep terrain in the South Fork Eel's watershed is the result of continuous uplift along the San Andreas Fault, and coinciding with the erosion caused by the river and its tributaries, steep canyons and ridges, many with slopes of over 50 percent, were formed.
Striped bass can be caught using a number of baits including: clams, eels, anchovies, bloodworms, nightcrawlers, chicken livers, menhaden, herring, shad, and sandworms.
The waters around Sully Island are fished for species such as cod, whiting, pouting, dogfish, Conger eel and bass.
The current water quality allows for a stable fish fauna, with five species populating the river, namely salmon (extinct in 1940 and restored thanks to the re-population programs of 1980s), trout, ezkailu (Phoxinus phoxinus), loach and eel.
a signature dish for the area around Valencia city and immediately to the south, containing peppers, garlic and potatoes with eels.
Nowadays, fish such as eel, pike, carp and bass are used, though other fish such as cod, monkfish, or halibut can be used.
Xenoconger fryeri is an eel of the family Chlopsidae which inhabits tropical waters around Assumption Island and Aldabra in the Indian Ocean and New Caledonia, Palau, Fiji and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
Fishing also contributes to the community; the many nearby lakes and ponds are rich in Pike (Esocidae), Crayfish (Astacus astacus) and Eel (Anguilla anguilla).