The White County Emergency Management Director reported that an F0 tornado touched down in the southwest corner of White County near the Hall County line at the Wauka Valley Farms area, which formed on the tail end of a feeder band associated with the remnants of Hurricane Dennis.
Flash flooding occurred in Colquitt County, flooding the Okapilco Creek which damaged numerous homes, washed out several roads, and forced people from more than 100 homes to evacuate.
Georgia State Route 279 was also flooded over with more than one foot (300 mm) of water.
Georgia | Georgia (U.S. state) | Hurricane Katrina | Georgia (country) | University of Georgia | Savannah, Georgia | Dennis Hopper | Hawker Hurricane | Georgia Institute of Technology | Athens, Georgia | Augusta, Georgia | Georgia national rugby union team | Hurricane Andrew | Macon, Georgia | Georgia World Congress Center | Hurricane Rita | Georgia O'Keeffe | Dennis Quaid | Academy Award for Best Visual Effects | Dennis the Menace | Dennis Rodman | Hurricane | Hurricane Sandy | Dennis Miller | Rome, Georgia | Georgia State University | Dennis Potter | Dennis Haysbert | South Georgia | Gainesville, Georgia |