
6 unusual facts about Eleanor Rosch

Basic category

The term is associated with the work of psychologist Eleanor Rosch, who demonstrated basic category preferences in a number of classic experiments.

Dani people

This trait makes it an interesting field of research for language psychologists, e.g. Eleanor Rosch, eager to know whether there is a link between way of thought and language.

Evan Thompson

Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch, The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience.


Enactivism builds upon the work of other scholars who could be considered as proto externalists; these include Gregory Bateson, James J. Gibson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Eleanor Rosch and many others.

Grand Valley Dani language

This trait makes it an interesting field of research for language psychologists, such as Eleanor Rosch, investigating the Whorf hypothesis.

SCOP formalism

Early concept theorists such Eleanor Rosch have noted that the context in which a concept is elicited plays a fundamental role in the meaning that it takes in natural reasoning tasks such as learning or planning.

see also