It was built as a memorial to the Museum's founder, Electra Havemeyer Webb, and her husband, James Watson Webb.
Individual craftspeople and designers like Louis Comfort Tiffany, whose work can be seen in the Electra Havemeyer Webb Memorial Building continued to work for upper class patrons, but inexpensive, factory-made chairs, tables, beds, and stands flooded and eager market of middle-class Victorians.
It features work by such western artists as Charles Russell and Harry Jackson; these artists, who often served as cowhands and guides of the western plains, modeled their work after real people and personal experiences.
church (building) | Memorial Day | Church (building) | Carmen Electra | Empire State Building | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | memorial | Lincoln Memorial | Memorial Stadium | Australian War Memorial | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Baxter Building | Vietnam Veterans Memorial | Valençay SOE Memorial | Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame | Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum | building | U.S. Green Building Council | Philip Webb | Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences | Woolworth Building | Nick Webb | National World War II Memorial | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | Jack Webb | Electra | Chrysler Building | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | San Francisco Ferry Building | Lockheed Model 10 Electra |