and developed in practical form by Harold R. Kaufman at NASA Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center from 1957 to the early 1960s.
Hughes Aircraft Company (now L-3 ETI) has developed the XIPS (Xenon Ion Propulsion System) for performing station keeping on its geosynchronous satellites (more than 100 engines flying).
Ion Television | Ion Iliescu | Ion | Ion Creangă | Ion Birch | Lithium-ion battery | Ion Voicu | Ion Nunweiller | Ion (mythology) | Ion Antonescu | ION Television | Ion Panţuru | Ion Mihalache | Ion Idriess | Ion exchange | Ion Baciu | electrostatic generator | Voltage-gated ion channel | Tattoo (Big Mother Thruster) | Saturn Ion | Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | lithium-ion battery | Ion Vincze | Ion Tower | Ion Storm | Ion Sancho (politician) | Ion Sancho | Ion (play) | Ion Perdicaris | Ion Păscăluţă |