The Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation reserve is located just to the north, around the former Riding Mountain House trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC).
At Ormiston in East Lothian, in January 1546, he was seized by the Earl of Bothwell on the orders of Cardinal Beaton, taken to Elphinstone Castle, and transferred by order of the privy council to Edinburgh castle on 19 January 1546.
He was a son of Sidney Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone, 16th Lord Elphinstone, a nephew of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.
Elphinstone College | William Elphinstone | Sidney Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone, 16th Lord Elphinstone | Mountstuart Elphinstone | Elphinstone, East Lothian | John Elphinstone, 13th Lord Elphinstone | John Elphinstone | James Elphinstone Roe | George Elphinstone, 1st Viscount Keith | Elphinstone | Margaret Mercer Elphinstone | Margaret Elphinstone | Elphinstone Tower, Falkirk | Elphinstone Place |
The Horniman Circle Gardens in Mumbai, formerly the Elphinstone Circle, were named in his honour.
Theodor Fontane's poem, Das Trauerspiel von Afghanistan (The Tragedy of Afghanistan) also refers to the massacre of Elphinstone’s army.
The whole complex was then renamed Elphinstone Circle after the Governor, Lord John Elphinstone.
He succeeded his father as Lord Elphinstone in May 1813, and entered the army in 1826 as a cornet in the Royal Horse Guards.
As a former professor at the University of Paris, Elphinstone modelled the university very much on the continental European tradition.
YMCA Camp Elphinstone is located within the park boundaries.
Promoted regimental lieutenant-colonel on 21 July 1813, after the battles of Nivelle and the Nive, Elphinstone commanded the engineers at the crossing of the Adour and the siege and battle of Bayonne.
The director Manish Gupta and his team combed the Asiatic Library, the Government Archival Library at Elphinstone College, the Times of India archives and the archival departments of Indian Express, Maharashtra Times, Navbharat Times and other newspapers.
He also lectured on law outside of court, and his support for educational and employment opportunities for Indians meant a professorship, the Perry Professorship of Jurisprudence, at the Government Law School at Elphinstone was established in 1855 in his honour.