Probably the best of Emilia Pardo Bazán's work is embodied in Los pazos de Ulloa (1886), translated as The House of Ulloa by Paul O'Prey, 2013, the painfully exact history of a decadent aristocratic family, as notable for its portraits of types like Nucha and Julián as for its creation of characters like those of the political bravos, Barbacana and Trampeta.
Reggio Emilia | Emilia-Romagna | Carpi, Emilia-Romagna | Emilia | Castelfranco Emilia | Rio Pardo | Province of Reggio Emilia | Pardo | Luis Pardo | La Emilia | Emilia of Gaeta | Reggio nell'Emilia | Lugo, Emilia-Romagna | Juan Pardo | Jimmy Pardo | Granarolo dell'Emilia | Emilia (region of Italy) | Emilia Galotti | Emilia Fogelklou | David Pardo | Correggio, Emilia-Romagna | Antonio Valdés y Fernández Bazán | Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo | Ruben Pardo | President of Emilia-Romagna | Pardo's Push | Pardo River (Rondônia) | Pardo River | Ozzano dell'Emilia | Manuel Pardo |
Isaías Lafuente (editor in chief of Cadena SER), in his book Agrupémonos Todas, looks at the highlights of feminism in the twentieth century and indicates the story of Marcela and Elisa as one of the most significant events related to the movement occurring in Galicia (another is the figure of Emilia Pardo Bazán).