
unusual facts about Emissary


Emissary veins, valveless veins which normally drain the intracranial venous sinuses to veins on the outside of the skull

Aharon Mor

Mor represented Israel as an emissary with three different organizations during three stints overseas: as Regional Director for the United Israel Appeal in the United Kingdom with the Joint Israel Appeal (1983–86, now the UJIA); in Canada with the Jewish Federation (1991–95); and in Australia with the Jewish National Fund (2001–02).

Alexander Lindsay, 1st Lord Spynie

On 18 November 1599 he had to promise the council to present Sir Walter Lindsay of Balgavie, a papal emissary, before the presbytery of Edinburgh, and was ordered to reside where they directed him until he satisfied them in reference to his religion.

American Dental Volunteers for Israel

Upon returning to the USA he established ADVI, and was able to secure the cooperation of the emissary of the Kibbutz Aliyah Desk in New York in placing hundreds of dentists who were prepared to offer their services for a minimum of two weeks each year in return for modest accommodations on a Kibbutz.


In response to Baekje's request, Japan in 663 sent the general Abe no Hirafu with 20,000 troops and 1,000 ships to revive Baekje with Buyeo Pung (known in Japanese as Hōshō), a son of Uija of Baekje who had been an emissary to Japan.


Judas Barsabbas, an emissary of the Church of Jerusalem to the Church at Antioch.


In 1435 he visited Sultan Murad II as an emissary of Maria Melissene, the widow of Antonio I Acciaioli, for his consent for the understanding, from himself and Maria, of his noble power in Athens.

Cleander of Macedon

In 330 he was employed by Polydamas, Alexander's emissary, to kill Parmenion, under whom he had been left as second in command at Ecbatana.

Conrad Weiser Area School District

The District is named for Conrad Weiser, an important Pennsylvanian in colonial days, especially known as an interpreter and emissary in councils between Native Americans and the colonies, especially Pennsylvania.

Des Griffin

Fourth Reich of the Rich, South Pasadena, CA, Emissary Publications, 1976; 1979; 1981; 1992; 1994 Revised from The Missing Dimension in World Affairs; Colton, OR, Emissary Publications, 1995 Revised edition, 1998 and 2000.

In 1975, he was one of the main founders of the independent publishing house Emissary Publications (South Pasadena, California, then Colton, Oregon).

Ereğli, Konya

This was the first "Hittite" monument discovered in modern times (early 18th century, by the Swede Otter, an emissary of Louis XIV).

Fernando Pérez

Fernando Pérez de Almazán, Spanish emissary and Governor of Texas, 1722–1727

Gio Paolo Bombarda

When Maximilian became governor of the Spanish Netherlands in 1692, Bombarda went with him to Brussels and became his emissary to the French and Dutch bankers.

Hernán Cortés

In his letters to King Charles, Cortés claimed to have learned at this point that he was considered by the Aztecs to be either an emissary of the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl or Quetzalcoatl himself – a belief which has been contested by a few modern historians.

Hillel Noah Maggid

His father was a bibliographer, and his grandfather Phinehas was rabbi at Polotsk and Vilna, the emissary of Elijah of Vilna in his struggle with the Hasidim, and the author of nine exegetical works.

House Grey Memorandum

The House-Grey Memorandum was a memorandum prepared by President of the United States Woodrow Wilson's diplomatic emissary to Europe, "Colonel" Edward House, and the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey.

Inspector Mackenzie

Occasionally he and Raffles work together, such as in the short story The Gift of the Emperor in which the two cooperate to recover a pearl from a German emissary on the orders of the Foreign Office, thereby saving the British government from an embarrassing scandal.

Jean-Blaise Kololo

An emissary of President Denis Sassou Nguesso offered to pay for Kololo to be evacuated to Europe for urgent medical treatment, but the Belgian airline Sabena refused to accept him as a passenger on 27 April 1999 out of concern that he would die during the flight.

Joe Gaetjens

His great-grandfather Thomas, a native of Bremen, had been sent to Haiti by Frederick William III, the King of Prussia, as a business emissary.

John William Vessey, Jr.

In retirement, he served President Reagan and his successors, Presidents George Bush and William J. Clinton, as a special emissary to Vietnam on the question of American service personnel missing from the Vietnam War.

Ludwig Martens

He negotiated a loan with the then Irish Emissary to the United States, T.D. Harry Boland, using the Russian Crown Jewels as security.

Mouth of Sauron

He appears in The Lord of the Rings — specifically in the chapter "The Black Gate Opens" in the third volume, The Return of the King — as the chief emissary of Sauron.

National Bank of Ethiopia

The establishment of the new organization was aided by U.S Department of State emissary, Earle O. Latham, who was the first Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Nehemiah Hayyun

His parents, of Sephardic descent, lived in Sarajevo, Bosnia (then a part of the Ottoman Empire), where probably he was born, although in later life he pretended that he was a Palestinian emissary born in Safed.


After a year of conflict between the Esopus Indians (Lenape of the Munsee branch) and the New Netherlanders in Ulster County, the sachem of the Warranwonkongs asked Oratam to act as emissary to the government at New Amsterdam.

Tilly Kettle

Kettle moved on to Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1771 and painted Shuja ud-Daula and Dancing-Girl Holding the Stem of a Hookah. In 1775,he painted George Bogle, Warren Hastings' emissary to Tibet, in Tibetan dress, presenting a ceremonial white scarf to Lobsang Palden Yeshe the 6th Panchen Lama.

see also