
unusual facts about Encirclement

Riverine Flotilla of the Polish Navy

Lack of roads and railways posed a serious danger to infantry and cavalry that could easily be cut off both by the enemy and the weather.

13th Guards Rifle Division

Although the entire formation was encircled, along with hundreds of thousands of other Red Army soldiers, much of the 5th Army was able to fight its way out of the encirclement after a counter-attack by Belov's 20th Cavalry Corps broke through the German ring around Kiev.

António de Spínola

In 1941 he travelled to the German-Russian Front, as an observer, to monitor Wehrmacht movements during the encirclement of Leningrad (the Portuguese volunteers had been incorporated into the Blue Division).

Erich Wulff

He was killed in Action on the 3 February 1945, during the breakout attempt from encirclement near Flederborn on the Eastern Front.

John Sherwood-Kelly

According to Kelly's account given shortly after to his brigadier, a series of factors accounted for his withdrawal: slow and difficult approach through marshy woods, lack of information about the progress of other columns, stiff resistance by the enemy Bolsheviks, the danger of encirclement and lack of ammunition.

Karl Heinz Schnell

Over the rest of the year, as the weather worsened, his unit fought in the encirclement of Kiev and then in the abortive attack on Moscow.

Lü Meng's invasion of Jing Province

Guan Yu attempted to break out of the encirclement with his surviving men, among whom include his son Guan Ping and his Commandant Zhao Lei.

Operation Little Saturn

With the relief column under threat of encirclement, Manstein had no choice but to retreat back to Kotelnikovo on 29 December, leaving the encircled Germans at Stalingrad to their fate.

Small Heath, Birmingham

The fall of France had not been anticipated in Government planning and the encirclement of a large part of the British Expeditionary Force into the Dunkirk pocket resulted in a hasty evacuation of that part of the B.E.F following the abandonment of their equipment.

USS Whitehead

On 1–2 March 1864, Whitehead and Southfield sailed up the Chowan River and freed USS Bombshell from her encirclement by Confederate shore batteries.


Owing to the intervention of Eugène de Beauharnais and Józef Antoni Poniatowski, Davout managed to break through the Russian army's encirclement.

see also