
unusual facts about Engadget


For example, the technology news stream could contain news flowing from TechCrunch, The New York Times Bits Blog, Read Write Web, Engadget, Gizmodo, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.


Engadget |

HTC Dream

The design of the Dream was considered to be solid and robust; Joshua Topolsky of Engadget considered its hardware design a contrast to that of the iPhone, due to its numerous navigation buttons (in comparison to just a home button) and its "charming, retro-future look; like a gadget in a 1970's sci-fi movie set in the year 2038."


The format, having first been applied by websites such as Gizmodo, Engadget, Techcrunch and Macworld in 2003-2005 for coverage of technology-related events (such as the Macworld Expo's series of Stevenotes and the WWDC) first gained notoriety among news organizations during the coverage of the 2009 anti-government protests in Iran.

Ryan Block

In July 2008 Block posted on Engadget that he would be stepping down as editor-in-chief to create a new company, leaving then Associate Editor Joshua Topolsky in charge.

see also