
unusual facts about TechCrunch


In January 2012, FlatClub won the TechCrunch One-Sentence Pitching Competition, being ranked 1st place out of 650 start-ups globally.

Desktop Tower Defense

While the changes diversify the overall gaming experience, some reviewers like Duncan Riley of TechCrunch and Jason Kottke reacted negatively to the update.


In August 2010, TechCrunch's Michael Arrington revealed that GameCrush had raised $700,000 in an angel round featuring Scott Banister and his wife Cyan, among other angels and VCs.

Goatse Security

On June 14, 2010, Michael Arrington of TechCrunch awarded the group a Crunchie award for public service.

James Altucher

Altucher is a frequent guest contributor to The Daily Ticker feature on Yahoo! Finance & TechCrunch.


On December 10, 2009 Michael Arrington/Techcrunch filed a lawsuit against Fusion Garage in Federal court.

LAUNCH Conference

Although it is legally unrelated to the TechCrunch40 and TechCrunch50 events, it has been perceived as the natural evolution of those events citing Calacanis' involvement, and then split, from Michael Arrington and the TechCrunch series of events.


The format, having first been applied by websites such as Gizmodo, Engadget, Techcrunch and Macworld in 2003-2005 for coverage of technology-related events (such as the Macworld Expo's series of Stevenotes and the WWDC) first gained notoriety among news organizations during the coverage of the 2009 anti-government protests in Iran.


In March 2013, Seedrs announced its Board of Advisors, including: James Alexander (Zopa and The Foundation), Mike Butcher (TechCrunch and London Web Summit), Ralph, Lord Lucas (House of Lords), and Dale Murray (Angel Investor of the Year and successful entrepreneur).

Silicon Beach Fest

The Silicon Beach Fest series has been covered by Forbes, TechCrunch, PandoDaily, Huffington Post, Women 2.0, and other national and local press.

Stalking horse offer

On 4 April 2011, TechCrunch reported Google's intention to pursue a $900 million stalking horse bid for Nortel's patents.


For example, the technology news stream could contain news flowing from TechCrunch, The New York Times Bits Blog, Read Write Web, Engadget, Gizmodo, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.

see also