
unusual facts about English garden

Ducal Palace of Colorno

After the Congress of Vienna, the duchy went to Marie Louise, Napoleon's wife, who made the Reggia her favourite residence and created a wide English-style garden.


The palace was built between 1768 and 1769, with a surrounding English garden planned by Lancelot "Capability" Brown, for Princess Augusta of Great Britain, wife of Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, to remind her of her home in England.

Jean-Marie Morel

Morel never visited England, to see the English garden style, but his book profited from the published theories of Thomas Whately and Claude-Henri Watelet and from the experience he had gained from his close association with the marquis de Girardin at Ermenonville.

Marie de Castellane

From 1881 to 1886, she took on the restoration of the Radziwill castle at Nieswiez (Nesvizh, Belorussia), allowing her to save its archives and library, add a terrace flanked by Neo Gothic tourelles and redesign the park in the English style (1878–1911).

Schloss Ebenrain

Both gardens were converted to fashionable English parks in the early 19th century, but one landscape feature, namely the parallel rows of lindens lining the drive to the house, has remained essentially unchanged to the present day.

The Courts Garden

The Courts Garden is an English country garden in Holt, near Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.

see also

Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

The Gardens include what is claimed to be the largest public hosta garden in the United States (13,000 plants representing over 700 varieties), as well as Annual and Perennial Gardens, several Children's gardens, an English Knot garden and Formal English Garden, Herb Garden, Cactus Garden, Iowa State and All American Test Gardens, Japanese garden designed by Hoichi Kurisu, and Rose Gardens.

Judith Durham

In 2007 Durham also made a cameo appearance on English Garden, a bonus track featured only on the digital download version of the new Silverchair album Young Modern.


There are water features and an English garden and also a flower collection including ferns, narcissus and poppies.

Melbourne Hall

Coke travelled in the Netherlands and he turned to Nost, the famous statuary born in the Austrian Netherlands, with premises in Haymarket, London, who provided lead figures of amorini, vases, baskets of flowers and mythological figures, still identifiable at Melbourne, and most notably the lead "Vase of the Seasons" (1705), that is one of the finest examples of Baroque sculpture in lead in an English garden.