
unusual facts about English politics

Thomas Nuthall

Thomas Nuthall (d. 7 March 1775) was an English politician and attorney who played an historic role in the ministries of William Pitt, Lord Bute, and Lord Rockingham.

see also

Charles Middleton, 2nd Earl of Middleton

In 1684, his career moved to English politics, sworn of the English Privy Council in July and becoming Secretary of State for the Northern Department in August.

John Dunning, 1st Baron Ashburton

He was first noticed in English politics when he wrote a notice in 1762 defending the British East India Company merchants against their Dutch rivals.

Politikk som idékamp

Politikk som idékamp: Et intellektuelt gruppeportrett av Minerva-kretsen 1957–1972 (English: Politics as Idea Struggle: An Intellectual Group Portrait of the Minerva Circle 1957–1972) is a 2007 book by Johannes W. Løvhaug.