On 30 May 2007, then Australian opposition environmental spokesperson and former Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts Peter Garrett announced that if elected at the 2007 Australian Federal Election, the Australian Labor Party would use taxpayer money to subsidise putting the necessary drilling rigs in place.
The AltaRock Energy effort is a demonstration project being conducted to prove out the company's proprietary technology at the site of an existing geothermal project owned and operated by NCPA in The Geysers, and does not include power generation.
operating system | Super Nintendo Entertainment System | Nintendo Entertainment System | Android (operating system) | Global Positioning System | Solar System | X Window System | Korean Broadcasting System | System of a Down | Domain Name System | Seoul Broadcasting System | North Carolina Community College System | Mutual Broadcasting System | Bulletin board system | system | Turner Broadcasting System | Program and System Information Protocol | Geographic information system | Ubuntu (operating system) | Tokyo Broadcasting System | Federal Reserve System | Enhanced Graphics Adapter | Youth system | Embedded system | solar system | Seigneurial system of New France | Interstate Highway System | Fedora (operating system) | Trans-Alaska Pipeline System | Network File System (protocol) |