
unusual facts about Enlightenment in Buddhism

Balmiki Prasad Singh

He presided over the four-day Global Buddhist Conference that began on Sunday with the chanting of prayers to mark the 2,600th year of Buddha's enlightenment.

Benalmádena Stupa

Benalmádena Stupa (Chan Chub Chorten in Tibetan) symbolizes Buddha's enlightenment, the realisation of the nature of mind, and is one of the eight different forms that stupas are built according to.

Butsu Zone

Miroku is said to appear on Earth at a time when the Dharma is no longer taught and is completely forgotten, achieve complete enlightenment and then re-teach the pure dharma, becoming a successor of Śākyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

Kakusandha Buddha

He attained enlightenment under a sirisa tree, then delivered his first sermon to the assembly of eighty-four thousand monks in a park near Makila.

see also