
unusual facts about Entrez

Index Medicus

It continued in this role through the 1980s and 1990s, while various electronic presentations of MEDLINE's content also evolved, first with proprietary online services (accessed mostly at libraries) and later with CD-ROMs, then with Entrez and PubMed.


Entrez |

Alex Titomirov

InforMax Inc. was also assisting The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, NIH) with various programs including but not limited to the Human Genome Project, GenBank, Entrez, PubMed, and MedLine.

Conjoined gene

However, only a very limited number of these CGs are found in the public human genome resources such as the Entrez Gene database, the UCSC Genome Browser and the Vertebrate Genome Annotation (Vega) database.

see also