
unusual facts about Index Medicus

Index Medicus

It continued in this role through the 1980s and 1990s, while various electronic presentations of MEDLINE's content also evolved, first with proprietary online services (accessed mostly at libraries) and later with CD-ROMs, then with Entrez and PubMed.

see also

International Menopause Society

The Society's official journal, Climacteric, the Journal of Adult Women's Health and Medicine, was founded in 1998 and is listed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE.

Lung India

It is indexed with Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO Publishing’s Electronic Databases, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, Expanded Academic ASAP, JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MANTIS, MedInd, OpenJGate, ProQuest, PubMed, SCOLOAR, SIIC databases, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Mymensingh Medical College

Mymensingh Medical Journal, which is Index Medicus/MEDLINE listed, is the official journal of Mymensingh Medical College.