Envision Solar, a company manufacturing solar shading structures based in San Diego, USA
Envision Financial, a financial institution based in British Columbia, Canada
Envision Schools, a school management organization based in San Francisco, USA
One may envision optomechanical structures to allow the realization of Schrödinger's cat.
However, in 1994 his song "What Colour is the Wind", which tells the story of a young blind child’s attempts to envision the world, began to be played in Ireland, eventually reaching No. 1 in the Irish charts after a TV appearance on RTE's Kenny Live Show.
In spending several chapters lamenting the state of the arts in America, he fails to envision the literary Renaissance that would shortly arrive in the form of such major writers as Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Walt Whitman.
Framers of the Constitution, such as Roger Sherman of Connecticut, did not envision jurisdiction stripping as invariably insulating a law from judicial review, and instead foresaw that state judiciaries could determine compatibility of certain types of state statutes with federal laws and the federal Constitution.
Irène Jacob was the narrator, while the singers on the scene were: Alain Chamfort who sang "Chasseur d’ivoire" ("Ivory hunter"), Boris Bergman who sang "Junge Männer", Axel Bauer who sang "C’est comment qu’on freine ?", Barbara Carlotti who sang "Lavabo", Irène Jacob and Florent Marchet who sang "Volontaire", and Joseph d'Anvers who sang "J’envisage" ("I envision").
The jazz bands, which range from grade 9 to 12, have also been to a number of festivals, including the Envision Jazz Festival in Surrey, British Columbia, the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho, and MusicFest Canada in Vancouver (1998), Richmond (2005 and 2007), Montreal (2004), Ottawa (2001, 2006, 2008 and 2010), Toronto (1999, 2000, 2003 and 2009), and Calgary (2002).