
unusual facts about Epiphanius

Eulogius of Córdoba

Again, during the Muslim persecution, in 850, after reading a passage of the works of St. Epiphanius he decided to refrain for a time from saying Mass that he might better defend the cause of the martyrs; however, at the request of his bishop, Saul of Córdoba, he put aside his scruples.

Adversus Haereses

Panarion (medicine-chest), also a work in opposition to heresies, written in the 300s by Epiphanius of Salamis.

Buddhism and the Roman world

Early 3rd century–4th century Christian writers such as Hippolytus and Epiphanius write about a Scythianus, who visited India around 50 CE from where he brought "the doctrine of the Two Principles".

Chronicon Paschale

The chief authorities used were: Sextus Julius Africanus; the consular Fasti; the Chronicle and Church History of Eusebius; John Malalas; the Acta Martyrum; the treatise of Epiphanius, bishop of Constantia (the old Salamis) in Cyprus (fl. 4th century), on Weights and Measures.

Cyril of Turaw

They are works by early Christian and Byzantine churchmen that would have been available to Kirill in Slavonic translations: John Chrysostom, Epiphanius of Salamis, Ephrem of Syrus, Gregory of Nazianzus, Eusebius of Caesarea, and the scholia of Nicetas of Heraclea, Titus of Bostra, Theophylact of Ohrid, and the chronicler George the monk (George Hamartolus).

Epiphanius of Salamis

The texts appear not to have been given a polish but consist of rough notes and sketches, as Allen A. Shaw, a modern commentator, concluded; nevertheless Epiphanius' work on metrology was important in the History of measurement.

This event sowed the seeds of conflict which erupted in the dispute between Rufinus and John against Jerome and Epiphanius.

Epiphanius the Monk

Epiphanius the Monk (Epiphanius Monachus, Epiphanios of Constantinople, 8th or 9th century) was a monk and priest in the Kallistratos monastery in Constantinople and author of several extant works including a life of the Virgin Mary and a life of St. Andrew the Apostle (PG 120.179–286).

Paphnutius of Thebes

On the other hand, Thomassin pretends that there was no such practice, and endeavours to prove by quotations from St. Epiphanius, St. Jerome, Eusebius, and St. John Chrysostom, that even in the East priests who were married at the time of their ordination were prohibited from continuing to live with their wives.


Recent scholarship, agreeing with a theory of Richard Adelbert Lipsius, suggests that this work Syntagma was the common source for Philastrius and the Panarion of Epiphanius, also.

see also