
unusual facts about Epiphany


Epiphany term |

Ahasverus Fritsch

Johann Sebastian Bach based his chorale cantata Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, BWV 123, for Epiphany 1725 on a hymn in six stanzas by Fritsch and used single stanzas in other cantatas.

Ambrosian hymns

No. 7 is assigned in the Roman Breviary to Monday at Lauds, from the Octave of the Epiphany to the first Sunday in Lent and from the Octave of Pentecost to Advent.

Bach Chamber Choir

On January 6, 2008, they performed an Epiphany Concert featuring Bach—Cantata Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 (Sleepers Awake!), featuring guest talent and other pieces of the same theme.


According to legend the Badalisc lives in the woods around the village of Andrista (commune of Cevo) and is supposed to annoy the community: each year it is captured during the period of Epiphany (5 & 6 January) and led on a rope into the village by musicians and masked characters, including il giovane (the young man), il vecchio (the old man), la vecchia (the old woman) and the young signorina, who is "bait" for the animal's lust.

Brightest and Best

It can be sung to a number of tunes, including "Morning Star" by James P. Harding and "Epiphany" by Joseph Thrupp.

Charles Cahier

He also wrote studies on Christmas and on Epiphany in Amide la religion (Paris, 1848–1849), and in his Calendrier populaire du temps passé in Revue de l'art chrétien (Paris, 1878).

Devorah Frost

Epiphany then received a match for the OVW Women's Championship against Melody on the August 12 episode of OVW, defeating her and winning the championship for the first time.

Dún Laoghaire

Samuel Beckett came from nearby Foxrock and is said to have experienced an artistic epiphany, alluded to in his play Krapp's Last Tape, while sitting on the end of one of Dún Laoghaire's piers.

E. C. John

His former pupil G. Babu Rao mentioned that E. C. John pointed out parallels for Epiphany and Theophany from Vaishnavism and Saivism respectively.

Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale

The Church of the Epiphany had a close association with Wycliffe College.

Construction of the Church of the Epiphany took place at the corner of Queen Street and Beaty Avenue in 1887 and the first services were held on November 18 of that year.

How the Toys Saved Christmas

In the original version, the story is took place during the Epiphany Eve, because in Italian folklore La Befana is a good witch that give presents and candies to the children during the night between the 5th and the 6th January.

Jessie Belle Smothers

On the October 31 edition of OVW episode 689, Jessie entered a feud with Epiphany after competing against her in a match, that ended in a no-contest.

Jordan Staircase of the Winter Palace

The principal or Jordan Staircase of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg is so called because on the Feast of the Epiphany the Tsar descended this imperial staircase in state for the ceremony of the "Blessing of the Waters" of the Neva River, a celebration of Christ's baptism in the Jordan River.

Lisa Bonet

That year, Bonet accepted the role of Epiphany Proudfoot in the movie Angel Heart opposite Mickey Rourke, directed by Alan Parker.

Mariam Baouardy

She was born on 5 January 1846 (the eve of Epiphany) in the village of I'billin, the region of Southern Syria in the Ottoman Empire, now in Israel, to Giries (George) Baouardy and his wife, Mariam Chahine, both of Damascene ancestry.

Marilyn Wood

It was in experimenting with the dimensionality of sculpture combined with student dance classes in improvised movement that she had this epiphany: “I discovered I could BE the sculpture!” which led to two summer sessions with Hanya Holm at Colorado College and further solidified her shift from painting to dance.

Michael L. Fitzgerald

On 16 December 1991 Michael L. Fitzgerald was appointed titular bishop of Nepte (Nefta or Nafta, Tunisia) and was ordained bishop at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican by Pope John Paul II on 6 January 1992, the Feast of the Epiphany.

Ordo Rachelis

There are the Lamentatio Rachelis from Saint-Martial at Limoges (eleventh century), a lengthy part of an Epiphany play from Laon (twelfth century), a play from Freising (late eleventh century), and another one from Fleury (thirteenth century).


Landmarks include the Ostroh Castle on the Red Hill, with the Epiphany church (built in the fifteenth century) and several towers.

Parish church of Urtijëi

The Parish Church of Urtijëi located in the town of Urtijëi in Val Gardena in South Tyrol, Italy is dedicated to the Epiphany and to Saint Ulrich.

Paul Hazen

In addition to the directorships already mentioned, Hazen formerly served on the boards of E.piphany Inc., KSL Recreation Group, Pacific Telesis, Phelps Dodge Corporation and Shanghai Commercial Bank.

Peter Westbrook

The program’s staff has included world-class coaches (Csaba Elthes, Boris Lieberman, Rotchild Magloire, Yuri Gelman, Max Catala and Aladar Kogler) medalists and Olympians (Michael Lofton, Robert Cottingham, Herb Raynaud, Eric Rosenberg, Lazarro Mora and Donald Anthony) and PWF students Ahki Spencer-el, Keeth Smart and his sister Erinn Smart, Kamara James, Ivan Lee, Benjamin Bratton, Nzingha Prescod and Epiphany Georges.

Keeth Smart, Ivan Lee, Erinn Smart, Kamara James, Akhi Spencer-El, Benjamin Bratton, Dwight Smith, Donovan Holtz, Rashaan Greenhouse, Adam Rodney, Harvey Miller III, Herby Raynaud, Dwayne Smith, Ras Davidson, Marty Williams, Ibtihaj Muhammad, Torian Brown, Epiphany Georges, Nzinga Prescod, Carrington Harris, Adam Crompton, Andre Crompton, Ahmed Yilla, Daniel Bak, and Adrian Bak.

Pope Julius I

Julius is also credited with splitting the birth of Jesus into two distinct celebrations: Epiphany stayed on the traditional date, and Nativity was added on 25 December.

Saint Joseph's Society for Colored Missions

The society opened numerous educational institutions, including: St. Joseph's Seminary in Baltimore, to train missionaries for the black missions; Epiphany Apostolic College, Walbrook, Baltimore, a preparatory school for St. Joseph's Seminary; St. Joseph's Catechetical College near Montgomery, Alabama, to train young black men as catechists and teachers; and St. Joseph's Industrial School at Clayton, Delaware, an agricultural and trade school for black youth.

Santa Maria del Parto a Mergellina, Naples

In the chapel near the presbitery, the oil painting of the Epiphany is attributed to Jan van Eyck; this painting, Vasari claimed, was the first oil canvas in Italy.

Schola Antiqua of Chicago

In 2011, the ensemble recorded The Kings of Tharsis: Medieval and Renaissance Music for Epiphany, which highlights some previously unrecorded works of Orlande de Lassus, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Guillaume Dufay, and John Sheppard.

St John's College, Durham

It also contributes to university theatre, with the Bailey Theatre Company producing Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis in the Epiphany term of 2009 and Arthur Miller's The Crucible in the Michaelmas term of 2008, as well as the annual Summer Shakespeare.

The Failure Epiphany

The Failure Epiphany is the second album produced by Erica Dunham, under the moniker of Unter Null.

see also