
unusual facts about Epistles

1804 in literature

John Wilson Croker - Familiar Epistles to J. F. Jones, Esquire, on the State of the Irish Stage

1810 in poetry

George Crabbe, The Borough in 24 epistles, including one on "Peter Grimes", a poem based on Aldeburgh

Adam Contzen

During his residence in Munich, which began in 1623, he completed and published his commentary on the four Gospels, and on the epistles of St. Paul to the Romans, the Corinthians, and the Galatians.

Alexander Souter

His work on the Pauline epistles included proposed revisions to many accepted attributions, notably of Ambrosiaster, as well as numerous commentaries on and editions of other works.

Ambrose Philips

His contemporary reputation rested on his pastorals and epistles, particularly the description of winter addressed by him from Copenhagen (1709) to the Earl of Dorset.

Andreas Birch

In 1798 Birch published a collection of various readings to the Acts and Epistles (among them from Codex Vaticanus).

Authorship of the Pauline epistles

Harnack, Lightfoot and other scholars have suggested hypothetical scenarios that would have these epistles written near the end of Paul's life without contradicting biographical information in the other epistles or Acts.

According to Jerome, the gnostic Christian Basilides also rejected these epistles, and Tatian, while accepting Titus, rejected other Pauline epistles.

Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery

He translated Plutarch's life of Lysander, and published an edition of the epistles of Phalaris, which engaged him in the famous controversy with Bentley.

Claude Dupuy

Among his most celebrated manuscripts are the St. Paul's Epistles in Greek and Latin (BN grec 107 & A); a collection of Tironian notes (BN lat 8777).

Codex Augiensis

W. H. P. Hatch, On the Relationship of Codex Augiensis and Codex Boernerianus of the Pauline Epistles, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol.

Dominic Borg

Throughout all of the epistles, Borg makes liberal use of Cicero.

Francis Atterbury

He inspired a pupil, Charles Boyle, in the Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, an attack (1698) on the Whig scholar Richard Bentley, arising out of Bentley's impugnment of the genuineness of the Epistles of Phalaris.

Heroic virtue

, xiii, and in St. John's Gospel and Epistles; the beloved disciple and the fiery missionary of the cross are the best interpreters of the mystery of love revealed to them in the Heart of Jesus.

Ivan Dmitriev

His poems include songs, odes, satires, tales, epistles, and others, as well as the fables—partly original and partly translated from La Fontaine, Florian and Arnault—on which his fame chiefly rests.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Christ myth theory proponent G. A. Wells still sees an analogy with the Resurrection of Jesus in the Pauline epistles and Osiris, in that Osiris dies and is mourned on the first day and that his resurrection is celebrated on the third day with the joyful cry "Osiris has been found".

Johann Salomo Semler

He led the way in the task of discovering the origin of the Gospels, the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Apocalypse.

Margaret Kirkby

The register of John Thoresby, Archbishop of York, confirming the enclosure suggests to Hughes that "in common with the epistles of Rolle, Margaret desired an eremitic life in order that she might fashion herself as a servant of God more freely and more quietly with pious prayers and vigils. Such language indicates how she and Rolle were pioneering a change in the conception of the eremitic vocation".

Minuscule 91

The commentary on the Acts and Epistles is that of the pseudo-Oecumenius; that on the Book of Revelation is that of Arethas of Caesarea.

Moral Essays

Moral Essays (also known as Epistles to Several Persons) is a series of four poems on ethical subjects by Alexander Pope, published between 1731 and 1735.


This work was a brief commentary on selected passages covering the whole Bible, as is shown in the fragments preserved by Oecumenius and in the Latin version of the commentary on the Catholic Epistles made at the instance of Cassiodorus.

The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden

♦ The Epistles of Clement (The First and Second Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians)

see also