
unusual facts about Epithalamium


Bion of Smyrna

There is no particular reason to think that the Epithalamium of Achilles and Deidameia, preserved in bucolic manuscripts and usually included under his name in modern editions, is Bion's work.


In one of his wedding poems, Catullus (fl. mid-1st century BC) assumes that the young bridegroom has a concubinus who considers himself elevated above the other slaves, but who will be set aside as his master turns his attention to marriage and family life.

Judith Kazantzis

She took a Modern History degree and on 22 February 1998, married lawyer and writer Irving Weinman; Harry Mathews wrote an Epithalamium for Judith Kazantzis and Irving Weinman.

Melchior Acontius

He was a close friend of fellow poet Georg Sabinus and wrote epithalamies on the marriage of the latter with the daughter of Philipp Melanchthon.

see also