These founders believed that acts of violence against women were violations of the fundamental human rights guarantees as stated in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Ongoing campaign against sex tourism companies Big Apple Oriental Tours and G.F. Tours, and calling on the US Attorney General to prosecute such companies under the Mann Act and Travel Act.
Congress of Racial Equality | equality | Minister for Justice and Equality | Equality Rights Statute Amendment Act | Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 | Equality, Illinois | Equality California | Equality before the law | equality before the law | Equality and Human Rights Commission | Equality | Youth for Equality | Testimony of equality | Kirchhoff's law of equality of radiative emissivity and absorptivity | Gay and Lesbian Equality Network | European Institute for Gender Equality | Equality Now | Equality Mississippi | Equality (disambiguation) | Equality Alabama | Equality Act 2010 | Employment Equality Regulations | Christians for Biblical Equality |
Can't Stop the Serenity is a global charitable event to benefit Equality Now and other causes (chosen at the local level, some cities include Kids Need to Read, a charity co-founded by Firefly/Serenity star Nathan Fillion and author PJ Haarsma).