
3 unusual facts about Eric Bentley

Gilbert Highet

Like others teaching at Columbia at this time – Lionel Trilling, Mark Van Doren, Eric Bentley, Ernest Nagel – Gilbert Highet conceived of his work as the fostering of a tradition.

Jabra Ibrahim Jabra

Some other works that he translated are: Pre-Philosophy by Henry Frankfurt and Others; Sight and Insights by Alexander Elliot; The Author and His Profession by 10 American critics; The Life in Drama by Eric Bentley; The Myth and the Symbol by several critics; Axel's Castle by Edmund Wilson; Articles by 14 American critics about poet Dylan Thomas; Albert Camus by Germen Perry; and The Tower of Babel by André Barot.

Michael Kearns

He directed the Los Angeles premieres of Robert Chesley's Night Sweat and Jerker, Rebecca Ranson's Warren, Eric Bentley’s Round Two, Clark Carlton’s Self Help, Syd Rushing’s We Are One, Melanie DuPuy’s Heroine and Doug Holsclaw's Life Of The Party.

see also