
unusual facts about Erica arborea

Cantabrian mythology

Tradition says, in all different variants, that the Caballucos del Diablu (Damselflies, literally "Devil's little horses") and the witches lose their powers after dusk and the curanderos gain control over them; plants as the four-leaf clover, the fruit of the elder berry, the leaves of the willow, the common juniper or the tree heath among others cure and bring happiness if they are collected at dawn.

Dendrosenecio keniodendron

Also found in these communities are the species pairs: from Poa: Poa schimperi and Poa leptoclada, Cerastium: Cerastium octandrum and Cerastium afromontanum, and the pair of Ericas: Erica timera and Erica arborea.

Disa stairsii

On Kilimanjaro D. stairsii also grows among the heath along with Erica arborea and Erica rossi, is "small pink flowered" and is hidden by clumps of grasses along with the white flowered Anemone thomsonii.

see also