
unusual facts about Cerastium

Dendrosenecio keniodendron

Also found in these communities are the species pairs: from Poa: Poa schimperi and Poa leptoclada, Cerastium: Cerastium octandrum and Cerastium afromontanum, and the pair of Ericas: Erica timera and Erica arborea.

Agrotis volubilis

The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Medicago sativa, Phaseolus, Cerastium, Trifolium, Zea mays, Hordeum pusillum and Nicotiana.

Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park

Some of the plants which may be found in this area are field chickweed (Cerastium arvense), felt-leaved willow (Salix silicicola), Mackenzie hairgrass (Deschampsia mackenzieana), Tyrrell’s willow (Salix planifolia tyrrellii), and floccose tansy (Tanacetum huronense var. floccosum).

Axbridge Hill and Fry's Hill

The very thin soils here support populations of one nationally rare species, Cheddar bedstraw (Galium fleurotii) and four nationally scarce species, pale St John's wort (Hypericum montanum), sea storksbill (Erodium maritimum), dwarf mouse-ear (Cerastium pumilum) and spring cinquefoil (Potentilla tabernaemontani).

Rhyacia lucipeta

The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants, including Cerastium, Thymus pulegioides, Tussilago farfara and Campanula rotundifolia.

Thomas Edmondston

He discovered several rare plants growing on the serpentine rocks on Unst, including the endemic Shetland Mouse-ear Cerastium nigrescens, known as Edmondston's Chickweed on the island.

see also