There are many larval foodplants, usually low growing plants, including Common Rock-rose, Wild Thyme, Sheep's Sorrel, Harebell, Salad Burnet, Bell heather, Goldenrod, Lady's Bedstraw, Creeping Willow and Foxglove.
The distinction between E. tetralix and the related species Erica cinerea is that the linear leaves are usually glandular and in whorls of four, while in E. cinerea they are glabrous and borne in whorls of three.
Species found on the heath include Cross Leaved Heather Erica tetralix, Bell Heather Erica cinerea and Ling.
Erica | Botrytis cinerea | Erica tetralix | Erica cinerea | Salix cinerea | Being Erica | Formica cinerea | Erica, Victoria | Erica Gimpel | Erica Ehm | Sprig of ''Erica | Erica Yuen | Erica Terpstra | Erica Shaffer | Erica Roe | Erica Payne | Erica Figueroa | Erica Enders | Erica Burman | Erica Brown | Erica Azim | Erica Ash | A sprig of ''Erica |
paivae occurs in oak woodland and pine woods growing over Ulex, Erica cinerea and Cistus spp.