
unusual facts about Ernest Ansermet

Bern Symphony Orchestra

Reaching beyond Switzerland from the 1930s, the fame of the orchestra later attracted guest conductors including Bruno Walter, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Ernest Ansermet, Hans Knappertsbusch, Ferenc Fricsay, Rafael Kubelík, Günter Wand, Kurt Sanderling, Horst Stein, Yuri Ahronovitch and Eliahu Inbal.

Franz von Hoesslin

The von Hoesslins went first to Florence, but when Benito Mussolini's Italy also presented problems, then moved to Geneva where Ernest Ansermet had invited von Hoesslin to conduct the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande.

Grisélidis Réal

On March 9, 2009 she was exhumed and reburied in the Cemetery of the Kings, the prestigious Geneva cemetery where Ernest Ansermet, John Calvin, Jorge Luis Borges, Alberto Ginastera, Frank Martin, Jean Piaget and Alice Rivaz are buried.

Gustave Roud

While living a solitary life in his family farm at Carrouge, Roud maintained numerous friendships with artists, poets, and other intellectuals such as Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, Ernest Ansermet, and René Auberjonois, Maurice Chappaz.

Roberto Michelucci

In addition to being a member, for several years, of Musici di Roma, he joined, among other musicians: pianists Bruno Canino, Maureen Jones and Tullio Macoggi and conductors Hermann Scherchen, Laszlo Somogji, Bernhard Paumgartner, Lovro von Matacic, Rudolf Kempe, Artur Rodzinsky, Gianandrea Gavazzeni, and Ernest Ansermet.

see also