
5 unusual facts about Ernest Gruening


Ernest Gruening (1887–1974), grandfather of Clark, American journalist and politician, governor of Alaska Territory 1939-1953, U.S. Senator from Alaska 1959-1969

Linny Pacillo Parking Garage

The art in the garage, under the 1 Percent for Art Program, includes art inspired by Alaska flora and fauna on each garage level, a piece in the main elevator lobby that tells the Parking Fairies story, and a mural over the Seventh Avenue exit titled "Focus on Statehood" that features four men instrumental in Alaska's becoming a state: Bob Atwood, Bill Egan, Bob Bartlett and Ernest Gruening.

Mike Stepovich

Stepovich's bid for a United States Senate seat was unsuccessful, with the former governor losing to Ernest Gruening during a November 1958 special election.

Office of Territorial Affairs

The first Director of Territories was Ernest Gruening, who served from 1934 to 1939, and later served as the territorial governor of Alaska and then as one of the first senators elected from Alaska upon statehood.

William Spratling

In 1945, Spratling was asked by two friends, Alaska's Territorial Governor, Ernest Gruening, and the Director of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Rene d'Harnoncourt, to replicate his success in Alaska.

Clark Gruening

Clark Gruening was born in San Francisco, California, the son of Huntington Sanders "Hunt" Gruening, the second-born and (after 1955) only surviving son of Ernest Gruening, who at the time of Clark's birth was governor of the Territory of Alaska.

see also