In 1965, Reginald Ernest Moreau (1897–1970), an eminent ornithologist, and a Berrick Salome resident from 1947, realized that he could build up a picture of the village as it had been in the decades before the First World War, based on the recollections of elderly villagers.
Hopkins had collaborated with Hayman and Reginald Ernest Moreau in the publication of “The type-localities of some African mammals” in The Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London in 1946.
Moreau records that, in the Domesday Book, Neutone (Newington) was returned as worth 15 pounds a year, compared with only 5 pounds for the neighbouring parish of Berewic (Berrick), and 30 pounds for Bensingtone (Benson).
There were no books on the birds of the region until Admiral Hubert Lynes gave him a copy of Anton Reichenow's Vogel Afrikas.
The young couple preferred to live at Maadi close to Wadi Digha where they kept a pet raven and conducted experiments to see if the plumage colours of larks were genetically inherited.
Ernest Hemingway | Ernest Shackleton | Ernest Borgnine | Ernest Tubb | Ernest Rutherford | Ernest Renan | Ernest Chausson | Jean Victor Marie Moreau | Ernest Bloch | Ernest Bevin | Ernest | Reginald VelJohnson | Reginald Heber | Moreau | Ernest George | Reginald Punnett | Ernest Gruening | Ernest Dowson | Ernest Bai Koroma | Ernest Thompson Seton | Ernest Hollings | William Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Weimar | Reginald Victor Jones | Reginald Rose | John Ernest | Ernest Thayer | Ernest Jones | Ernest Giles | Ernest Gellner | Ernest Fenollosa |
Reginald Ernest Moreau, George Henry Evans Hopkins and Robert William Hayman in 1945/46 restricted the type locality at Mianzini to a few miles east-southeast of Lake Naivasha, on the southern end of the Kinangop Plateau and to an elevation of 9000 ft (2743 m).