
4 unusual facts about Ernest Vinberg

Geometric invariant theory

E.B. Vinberg, V.L. Popov, Invariant theory, in Algebraic geometry.

Prehomogeneous vector space

E. B. Vinberg, On the classification of the nilpotent elements of graded Lie algebras, Soviet Math Doklady, volume 16 (1975) 1517-1520.

This shows in particular (and was noted independently by Vinberg in 1975) that the Levi factor G of P acts prehomogeneously on V:=\mathfrak p^\perp/\mathfrak p^\perp,\mathfrak p^\perp.

Symmetric space

(Selberg's assumption that s2 should be an element of G was later shown to be unnecessary by Ernest Vinberg.)

see also